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Mira Luna

Sensory experience

Magic in this bottle, a marvel, an exceptional moment!
Claude Colliot, passionate and inventive chef


A beautiful golden yellow with green reflections


A breath of freshly cut grass complexified by notes of dried fruit!


A smooth texture that envelopes the palate and expresses with fullness vegetable and walnut aromas with gourmet notes of dried fruit.

Food & oil pairing

The essential of a healthy and gourmet diet! It can simply be served as an aperitif with bread. It is the perfect oil to accompany your Mediterranean diet and your raw or cooked vegetables: baked, grilled or steamed vegetables, tians, ratatouille, aioli, vegetable pies, etc. It will sublimate your colorful and juicy tomato carpaccios and will perfectly complement your soups and vegetable broths!

Discover our selection of recipes

Sensory profile

Sensory profile of Mira Luna Les Centenaires olive oil - intense green-ripe fruity

Dominant aromas

  • Green grass
  • Ripe almond
  • Hazelnut
  • Golden apple
  • Walnut

Estate & Olive trees

At Domaine de la Baume in Provence, centuries-old olive trees flourish at an altitude of 600 meters in a natural, sun-drenched tufa amphitheater.

It is in the Haute Provence in France, in Tourtour, one of the most beautiful villages in France, that the Domaine de la Baume nestles in an idyllic natural setting with its myriad of woods, garrigues, valleys, terraces, springs, caves and waterfalls.

In this exceptional terroir, where thymes, rosemary and wild lavender perfume the air with the scent of garrigue, olive trees have been king for many centuries. Petit Ribier, Bouteillan, Verdale de Tourtour, among the thousand olive trees of the Domaine de la Baume, some of the thousand olive trees on the Domaine de la Baume are over 500 years old; they have withstood frosts and fires, and each time have started up again, today forming cheerful circles of six or seven trunks around a matte and old burnt stumps.

Here, the crops are grown as before, in a respectful way, observing and listening to nature.

Generations of farmers have tended, pruned and nurtured these olive trees with patience and common sense, and in return they have received their precious green gold. We continue the work of our elders with respect and humility, practicing ancestral cultivation methods, by hand, organically, without treatment or irrigation. And so, we continue to venerate this sacred tree, emblem of Provence, symbol of peace, wisdom and perseverance.

Discover the Domaine de la Baume estate

Olive and oak tree in Domaine de la Baume

"The hill farmer is a man who straddles insects, he knows twenty languages, he had to talk to a blackbird, (...) he explained a whole long road to a lost swarm, (...) he laughed and said to me:

it comes from the heart.

Jean Giono

Century-old olive tree of Domaine de la Baume

Harvesting & Extraction

Every stage in the production of our olive oils is carried out with care and love of work well done, to bring you an ultra-fresh olive juice, rich in aroma and polyphenols.

Organic olive oil of Provence - Les Centenaires Mira Luna

We harvest the freshly ripe olives of our centuries-old olive trees, at the moment when the olive delivers aromas of green and dried fruit confit, while keeping a very high aromatic intensity and an exceptional richness in polyphenols.

Olives have been harvested when temperatures are cool, in the traditional way, using combs and nets laid on the ground. The olives have been then sorted by hand, washed and cold-pressed in a mill within hours of harvesting, and the resulting oil has been filtered immediately to avoid oxidation and offer you an extra-virgin premium olive oil that delivers maximum freshness and aromatic intensity, and remains stable over time.

Olives from century-old olive trees - Domaine de la Baume in Provence

Our Provencal "elixir of youth"

This cuvée comes exclusively from our oldest olive trees: forming rounds of 6 or 7 trunks of more than 8 meters in circumference, these olive trees from local varieties (some of which are unknown to us today) are over 500 years old and all these years they have never been treated with chemical fertilisers.

They have crossed the centuries, fires and large frosts, and now offer us the fruit of their resilience.


Traditional comb harvest of rotating olives on November 14, 2023

Extraction method

Extraction by cold crushing immediately after harvesting, followed by filtration for maximum freshness, intensity and stability over time.

Our selection

This exceptional cuvee comes exclusively from the estate's oldest olive trees, scattered throughout the terraces of fragrant garrigue.

Quality characteristics

Index of oleic acid

0.18 %

Peroxide index

6.5 meq O2/kg

These very low index of acid and peroxide and well below the maximum levels for the qualification "extra virgin olive oil" are the witnesses of the great freshness of the olives and the quality of their crushing. These are the guarantees of a "premium" oil of very high nutritional quality.

Total polyphenol level (tyrosol, hydroxytryosol and derivatives)

1038 mg/kg of which :

  • oleocanthal : 63.8 mg/kg
  • oleuropein : 734 mg/kg

This oil is very rich in polyphenols (more than 2 times normal), whose many health benefits are demonstrated.

In particular, polyphenols help protect blood lipids from oxidative stress and thus reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (by consuming one tablespoon of this olive oil per day).

* Analyses carried out in a laboratory approved by the IOC on jan.9 2024

Be inspired by the richness of our olive oils, as perceived by those who have tasted them