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Mira Luna
Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil Frantoio Mira Luna

Sensory experience

A real favorite: a nice rich, round and smooth mouth with gourmet aromas of almond and hazelnut and a slightly peppery finish, a beautiful Provencal expression of this Tuscan variety!
Alexandra, oil consultant and professional taster


A beautiful golden yellow with green reflections


An intense bouquet of fruity notes that makes your mouth water!


A round, smooth and gourmet palate with pronounced aromas of almond, hazelnut and apple, which continue with a spicy finish with notes of cinnamon and pepper.

Food & oil pairing

Simply with bread as an aperitif, this oil is a delicacy in itself.

A delicious oil to accompany your Mediterranean dishes: pissaladière, pizzas, bruschettas, vegetable pies, baked vegetables, tians, farcis, falafels, etc.

It is simply divine on a mashed potatoes, a white fish fillet or a carpaccio of beef with parmesan shavings.

This Frantoio oil will also be a real gourmet treat on a hard mountain cheese: Beaufort, Abondance, Comté, Cantal or Laguiole or on an Ossau-Iraty, a Bethmale or a sheep tomme from the Pyrenees. Try it also with Roquefort: an exquisite marriage!

It will also be the perfect oil for preparing pastries instead of butter (cakes, cupcakes, waffles, etc.), especially in marriage with almond, vanilla, fruits like apple, pear or lemon or to rediscover the flavors of Provence: navette, pompe à huile, etc.

Discover our selection of recipes

Sensory profile

Sensory profile of Mira Luna Frantoio olive oil - intense ripe fruity

Dominant aromas

  • Green grass
  • Ripe almond
  • Hazelnut
  • Golden apple
  • Banana
  • Cinnamon

Estate & Olive trees

With its myriad woods, garrigues, valleys, terraces, springs, caves and waterfalls, the Domaine de la Baume expresses pure nature of Provence.

Domaine de la Baume in Provence

Located at Tourtour in Provence, called "the village in the sky" at 600 meters above sea level, the Domaine de la Baume spreads out its 40 hectares over 100-metre elevation, in a string of pretty terraces of forests, scrubland and olive trees coiled on the hillside in a natural amphitheatre gorged with sun. At the heart of the estate, the Baume River distills its sweet sound by traversing a succession of waterfalls and natural tuff ponds lined with century-old oaks.

It is in this exceptional terroir, where olive trees have been kings for many centuries, that our young Frantoio olive trees take the sun and let themselves be lulled by the breeze scented with thyme and rosemary, to give us a beautiful oil with mixed touches of Tuscany and Provence.


Organic Farming

Olive variety


Number of olive trees


Age of olive trees

10 years old

Populated by bees, dragonflies, butterflies, birds and roe deer, Domaine de la Baume is an invitation to reconnect with Nature.

Olive trees in Domaine de la Baume in Provence

The wild meadows of Cistus, Thyme, Lavender and Broom, with their cheerful, fragrant blooms from February to July, alternate with holm oak and pine forests.

At the top of the estate, a spring gushes out to form a reedy pond where herons and wild ducks come to rest. And in the heart of a magical forest of majestic oaks, the Baume river has sculpted tufa massifs draped in moss and aquatic weeds, and hollowed out natural.

Discover the Domaine de la Baume estate

Domaine de la Baume in Provence - Thyme flowers

Cradle of the living, the Domaine de la Baume is part of the Natura 2000 protected site “Sources et tufs from Haut-Var”, a natural home rich in biodiversity and rare and endangered species. Preserving this richness is our priority here and we work every day to protect the diversity of living in this garden of Eden by cultivating our olive trees in organic farming and according to the principles of biodynamics, observing and listening to nature.

Tufa massif - Domaine de la Baume in Provence

Harvesting & Extraction

Every stage in the production of our olive oils is carried out with care and love of work well done, to bring you an ultra-fresh olive juice, rich in aroma and polyphenols.

Organic olive oil of Provence - monovarietal Frantoio Mira Luna

We harvest the freshly ripe Frantoio olives, at the moment when the olive delivers aromas of dried fruits with a moderate pungency and bitterness, while keeping a beautiful freshness and a very high aromatic intensity.

Harvesting and extraction of Frantoio have been carried out separately to enable us to extract an exceptional single-variety cuvée.

Olives have been harvested when temperatures are cool, in the traditional way, using combs and nets laid on the ground. The olives have been then sorted by hand, washed and cold-pressed in a mill within hours of harvesting, and the resulting oil has been filtered immediately to avoid oxidation and offer you an extra-virgin premium olive oil that delivers maximum freshness and aromatic intensity, and remains stable over time.

Organic olive oil of Provence - monovarietal Frantoio Mira Luna

Our favorite with a taste of Tuscany

Organic olive oil of Provence Frantoio Mira Luna

Frantoio is a Tuscan variety renowned for its rich, intense aroma, which flourishes in the valleys of Provence.

Obtained with freshly ripe olives, this very gourmet oil develops a beautiful roundness and smoothness in the mouth and a very intense and rich ripe fruity with very fine aromas of almond, ripe apple, hazelnut and cinnamon.


Traditional comb harvest of freshly ripe olives on November 7, 2023

Extraction method

Extraction by cold crushing immediately after harvesting, followed by filtration for maximum freshness, intensity and stability over time.

Our selection

This cuvée comes from the estate's youngest olive trees, planted in 2013 on the riverbank terraces at the bottom of the estate. This is their first oil, and already an exceptional one!

Quality characteristics

Index of oleic acid

0.11 %

Peroxide index

5.3 meq O2/kg

These very low index of acid and peroxide and well below the maximum levels for the qualification "extra virgin olive oil" are the witnesses of the great freshness of the olives and the quality of their crushing. These are the guarantees of a "premium" oil of very high nutritional quality.

Total polyphenol level (tyrosol, hydroxytryosol and derivatives)

519 mg/kg of which :

  • oleocanthal : 101 mg/kg
  • oleuropein : 254 mg/kg

This oil is very rich in polyphenols (more than 2 times normal), whose many health benefits are demonstrated.

In particular, polyphenols help protect blood lipids from oxidative stress and thus reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (by consuming one tablespoon of this olive oil per day).

* Analyses carried out in a laboratory approved by the IOC on jan.9 2024

Be inspired by the richness of our olive oils, as perceived by those who have tasted them

Huile d'olive BIO Frantoio Mira Luna - fruité mûr intense